In the News
Video: Bili Redd at Terranea with The Richard Sherman Trio
Benefit Concert a Success!
The concert at the Armstrong on September 17, 2016 grossed over $11,000 and a 500 seat theater was almost full which is beyond my wildest expectations! I hope everyone had a good time. Thanks to everyone who helps put this together.
September 17 | 32nd Annual Benefit Concert
It is beyond my wildest dreams to think I have been doing this since 1984. The concerts are now attracting over 400 people and raising over $10,000 for the homeless and the hungry. The concert this year is Saturday, September 17th, 7:00 P.M. In addition to 7 time...
$11,000 for the Homeless
Thanks everyone for your support in regard to the benefit Saturday at the Armstrong. We grossed $11,000 and the funds go to help the homeless in the South Bay. Homelessness has increased over 40% this year.